A Teacher has Come to Inspire Humanity to End Hunger and Restore Our World

Andy Morgan
7 min readApr 19, 2019

In the not-too-distant future war will become a thing of the past as international tensions begin to fade. Hunger will no longer plague hundreds of millions of people while wealthy nations waste a large percentage of produce, forever ending a shameful scene. Environmental degradation will diminish through massive coordinated efforts to restore our planet to vibrant health. Nations will have discovered the key to building trust. A new global ethos will have taken root as unity and goodwill become manifest on a scale unimaginable by today’s standards.

If such achievements are possible, you might ask, how could we get there? Politicians, steeped in outworn ideologies, are barely able to keep their “ship of state” afloat. Meanwhile, an increasingly informed citizenry demands accountability for the climate crisis and gross inequality in living standards worldwide. Demonstrations of people power are clearly on the rise, but what we lack is a unifying way forward. We need someone who can not only provide articulate, intelligent, and practical solutions to our major crises but also help us to connect inwardly and evoke our highest potential. Without an inner transformation, outer legislative reform on its own does not amount to real progress.

A Voice for the New Age

Despite the many challenges, there is a reason for hope. We stand on the threshold of the birth of a new civilization. A lodestar awaiting our attention shines brightly ahead, offering guidance into a safer, peaceful future. Unbeknownst to the majority of the public, an extraordinarily enlightened teacher now walks among us. His gradual coming forward into public view, documented through various publications and press releases, has been heralded by numerous signs and wonders. His loving energy and deep insights into the natural laws of life have had a profound influence on the hearts and minds of those who have already been exposed to his teachings thus far.

This teacher’s personal name is Maitreya, and although he is awaited by various spiritual traditions under different names — the 5th Buddha, Christ, Messiah, Kalki Avatar or return of Krishna — he represents no particular religious belief or ideology. Maitreya is the head of a group of perfected men, known in the East as the Masters of Wisdom, who are members of the Spiritual Kingdom — the 5th and highest kingdom whose existence has been made known and expounded through many esoteric writings since 1875. This Hierarchy of illumined individuals is the aggregate of those members of humanity who have triumphed over the material, emotional and mental planes of living and have therefore achieved the goal of self-mastery. The Masters of Wisdom are the great Exemplars of the race who will offer us much needed advice. After working for millennia from “behind the scenes”, influencing world affairs by impressing the minds of advanced members of humanity, Maitreya and 14 other Masters (eventually there will be around 40 total) are now emerging publicly to interact with modern society.

Maitreya is an educator in the broadest sense. As an advocate for peace and justice, he is here to inspire us to embrace the principle of sharing. As a spokesperson for the world, he serves as a voice for the marginalized, the hungry, the forgotten, and the vulnerable. After calling for a crash program of aid for the poorest nations, the next step will be a full restructuring of our economic systems to address the common needs of all. On a greater level, he emerges at this moment in time to inaugurate a new era of synthesis and group consciousness, known as the Age of Aquarius in astrology, when humanity will finally live, not simply talk about, our ideals — brotherhood, freedom, justice and cooperation.

Artwork by Meryl Tihanyi

Sharing, Maitreya says, is the key to solving our seemingly intractable problems. Sharing of food, raw materials, knowledge and skills amongst all nations will foster international trust. Where trust is established, peaceful relations become possible. The way of sharing will eventually be seen as a natural course of action once we accept that humanity is truly one interdependent group. All of us have the same basic needs, fears and inherent rights as human beings: the right to adequate shelter, nutritious food, medical care and stimulating education.

In addition to galvanizing a worldwide movement to address the disparity in living conditions between the wealthiest and poorest nations, Maitreya will strengthen our resolve to save our planet. He will call for safer, cleaner energy and for all men, women and children to take part in rehabilitating Earth’s ecosystems. The Masters have already advocated the shutting down of all nuclear power plants as they emit highly toxic forms of radiation not detectable by our outdated Geiger counter instruments. In a collection of Maitreya’s teachings published years ago he points to the Law of Cause and Effect as it relates to nuclear explosions and testing. There is a difference between using energy and manipulating energy. A windmill uses the natural power of the wind while supposedly “controlled” underground nuclear explosions manipulate energy, leading to violent disturbances expressed through earthquakes.

The Brandt Report of 1980: A Vision of Planetary Sustainability

Maitreya began his gradual entrance into the modern world in 1977. Starting in the early 1980’s, British author and artist Benjamin Creme (1922–2016) traveled around the world for over 30 years informing the public about Maitreya’s presence in an effort to create a climate of hope and expectancy. According to Creme, the World Teacher — Lord Maitreya, “descended from His ancient mountain retreat on 19th June 1977 and is now in the modern world,” His “point of focus” as He calls it being the Asian community of London.

Creme, who himself had direct contact with a Master, was informed that Maitreya inspired former West German Chancellor Willy Brandt to form a commission which came to be known as the Brandt Commission. Willy Brandt brought together about 40 men and women from many different countries in the world, representing every shade of political opinion to do with the world’s economy. Their findings, reported in 1980, pointed to a set of specific concerns and objectives for achieving planetary balance. Not least among these was the need for a more equitable distribution of food supplies among the nations. As Creme wrote, “They were of all political persuasions from far left to the far right. They worked together — all these different opinions and approaches and eventually they came to a conclusion. It was announced at the Cancun Conference in Mexico. Everyone agreed, they reached one solid conclusion: there was only one way to deal with distribution of the resources of the world, and that was to share. That was the first time ever that sharing had been named as a means of distribution of the food and resources. It had never occurred to anyone before. But they came to that conclusion — a majority decision as the only way to save the planet. They published their findings as North-South: A Programme for Survival.”

The Brandt Commission proposed “in the long run countries have to strengthen their capability to sustain development through structural transformation” and called for “an orderly transition from a world economy and industry based on oil, to one that can be sustained through renewable sources of energy”. Brandt declared, “Our survival depends not only on military balance, but on global cooperation to ensure a sustainable biological environment, and sustainable prosperity based on equitably shared resources.”

To imagine a modern day implementation of sharing, Creme has written, “The way thought to be the best way by the Masters is simple but beautifully effective — a pooling of the excess resources of each country, contributing to a common pool from which each country could draw according to their needs. This is the way suggested by the Masters — the best possible way. Of course, this is the ideal, but there may be many variations and gradations of this system moving towards that ideal.”

The decision to change our entire ways of living must come from within and find a consensus, not forced upon us. Maitreya’s influence will lead us to take greater responsibility for our actions to each other and our life-sustaining planet. As he says, “Sharing and Justice, Brotherhood and Freedom are not new concepts. From the dawn of time mankind has linked his aspiration to these beckoning stars. Now, my friends, shall we anchor them in the world.”

Learn more at share-international.org or share-international.us

The following are samples taken from a long list of articles written by a Master of Wisdom, given through Benjamin Creme for publication in Share International magazine. They illustrate the coming changes ahead, revelations for the human race, and the priorities of Maitreya and the Masters as they work with humanity to improve the conditions of life for all.

Maitreya steps forward (Share International magazine, Jan/Feb 2007)

The Christ as Teacher (Share International magazine, March 2008)

Help is needed — and offered (Share International magazine, September 2006)

S.O.P. — Save Our Planet! (Share International magazine, October 2012)

The curse of commercialization (Share International magazine, May 2009)

The aspiration of the young (Share International magazine, May 2013)

The Time of Revelation (Share International magazine, July/August 2009)



Andy Morgan

Student of the ageless wisdom presenting a spiritual perspective on social, political, economic, and scientific topics.