Welcome to the New Age of Aquarius

The 2,300 year-long age of Aquarius has barely begun, yet with each passing day humanity demonstrates its readiness to embark on a new path. In the immediate time ahead, under the inspiration of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom, our achievements will be centered around the manifestation of unity in diversity, sharing, and right relationship.

Andy Morgan
6 min readNov 7, 2019


Note to readers: This article can be freely accessed at https://innerouter.info/content/age-of-aquarius

In the latter half of 2019, across the continents, we witnessed an unprecedented level of mass demonstrations. After months of fierce demands for greater democracy and an inquiry into police brutality, the Hong Kong protest movement refused to submit to authoritarian rule. Hundreds of thousands of Lebanese gathered in the streets of Tripoli in response to, among other things, austerity measures meant to ameliorate the effects of a severe fiscal crisis. In Santiago, Chile, over 1 million people filled the streets to peacefully, and boldly, demand systemic change. Decades of neoliberal economic policies of privatization and union busting, along with rising costs for essential public services, have left Chile languishing in a state of extreme economic inequality. Here is how a protest leaflet put it:

It’s not the Metro!!! It’s health, it’s education, it’s pensions, it’s housing, it’s parliamentary salaries, it’s the increased cost of electricity, it’s the increased cost of gas, it’s the theft by the armed forces, it’s the “megapardon” for the businessman, it’s the dignity of a society!!!

Nearly half a million Puerto Ricans filled the streets to oust their corrupt sitting governor. Iraq’s 2019 “Autumn of fury” led to Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi resigning. As one news outlet put it, the Iraqi people “succeeded in transcending communal divides and the sectarian politics in Iraq that have been rooted in division, corruption and government failure. They have succeeded in appealing to all Iraqis who feel defrauded by the political class.”

From distressed Haitians fed up with perpetual poverty and corruption to the Black Lives Matter movement demanding an end to police brutality and systemic racial inequality, the winds of change are sweeping swiftly across the world. Are all these happenings mere coincidence, or could it be that certain energetic forces stand behind this accelerating momentum of change?

Astrologically speaking, the breakdown of our social, political and economic structures is an inevitable effect of a great cosmic event: a long-term cycle resulting from our solar system’s movement around the zodiac.

The change in alignment from Pisces to Aquarius (Source: Andy Morgan)

From Pisces To Aquarius

It is an astronomical fact that our solar system has been gradually moving out of alignment with the constellation Pisces and toward the constellation Aquarius. Every 2,150 years or so, this type of transition occurs. From an esoteric perspective, new energies start to impinge on our planet, leading to a transformation in our ways of thinking and relating to each other. This causes the birth of new religions, philosophies, and political structures.

Over the last 2,000 years, the energies of Pisces were behind the development of the qualities of individuality and abstract idealism, both of which have enriched our search for knowledge and meaning. At the same time, we became overly devoted to our various religious and political ideologies. As devotion turned into unhealthy fanaticism, things frequently turned violent. The totalitarian forces at present, most notably the stranglehold of commercialism and dominance of market forces, have become the most dangerous form of resistance to the creation of a more wholesome society.

In 1625 the influence of Pisces began to recede, and in 1675 the alignment with the constellation Aquarius began. Since then, Aquarian energies have been steadily mounting in potency. Only in recent years, though, has Aquarius been technically more dominant than Pisces in terms of influence. The high level of unrest and discord at this moment in time is due primarily to the mixture, or rather juxtaposition, of these two very different sets of qualities and aims in life. It is really a battle of the old versus the new. Roughly half of us remain under the Piscean influence. This group tends to be more nationalistic, individualistic, and competitive. The other half of humanity is influenced by, and finds it easier to work with, the Aquarian principles of cooperation, unity and justice. This group recognizes the failure of our political, economic, educational and social institutions to meet the needs of all. The outdated Piscean systems are defunct, and as with anything that has run its course they must be replaced.

Over the next 2,300 years the Aquarian energies, blending and fusing us together, will enable humanity to experience its subjective oneness as one family. Rather than discard all we have gained from Pisces, in the coming age we will learn to put our well-developed individuality to the good of the whole. Only through the greatest diversity can we build the greatest unity. The aim for this coming time will be the creation of right human relationships based on the principles of sharing, freedom and justice.

The “Water Carrier”

As history reveals, we have never been without help in our struggles. At the dawn of each new cosmic age, and whenever humanity finds itself in need of new direction, an enlightened teacher has always appeared, offering greater insight and inspiration. This moment is no exception.

Awaiting our readiness and invitation to come forward more openly, a group of highly illumined individuals with unparalleled wisdom lives among us. They know precisely what changes are required to steer humanity away from catastrophe into a glorious future. Known as the Masters of Wisdom, or the Lords of Compassion, these Great Ones are truly the selfless servers of the human and subhuman kingdoms. Always looking out for the good of the whole, their motives are pure and their ways of living are harmless. At the head of this group is the World Teacher, Maitreya, who acts as the Aquarian symbol of the Water Carrier to dispense the new “waters of life”. Maitreya fully embodies what is known as the Christ Principle — the energy of love that is behind all spiritual evolution. His energies pour into the world in tremendous potency, causing an awakening in the hearts of millions of people, stimulating and galvanizing us to come together to rebuild our civilization.

Maitreya is here to inaugurate the Aquarian age of synthesis and brotherhood. Awaited as the Christ by Christians, the 5th Buddha or Maitreya Buddha by Buddhists, the Messiah by Jews, the Imam Mahdi by Muslims, and the Kalki Avatar by Hindus, among other names, his role will be to teach and guide. The names mentioned above are merely religious titles. As an educator and friend, not a religious figure or authority, does he come to help. This is why he prefers the simple title of “the Teacher”, since all other names create division. As he said long ago in the Bible, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” He returns to complete his mission that started at the birth of the Piscean age. His words will be heard directly by everyone this time around, free from interpretation by scholars and authorities. His primary message is that justice through sharing is the only real path to peace and right relationship. Through nations sharing Earth’s food and natural resources, all of our major problems can be solved. When we take the first step into sharing, Maitreya says, we take the first step into manifesting our innate divinity.

The following quote is from an article given by a Master of Wisdom for the January/February 1991 issue of Share International magazine:

“We are witnessing simultaneously the rebirth of hope and freedom on a mass scale and the last efforts of the old order to re-establish itself against the tide of evolution. The new age is on its way and naught can halt its progress…”

(“The dark before the dawn”, Share International magazine)



Andy Morgan
Andy Morgan

Written by Andy Morgan

Student of the ageless wisdom presenting a spiritual perspective on social, political, economic, and scientific topics.

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